Bognár Éva

We Stand Up for Independent Journalism

The statements issued by the Sovereignty Protection Office regarding Atlatszo and the media at large reject the fundamental values of democratic public discourse. The undersigned publishers, editorial offices, journalists, and organizations engaged in the democratic public sphere stand in solidarity with Atlatszo under attack and present the following as our unified position: Those who reveal We Stand Up for Independent Journalism

Hungarian Sovereignty Office on Átlátszó: journalism is espionage

In early 2024, Hungary’s Protection of National Sovereignty Act set up a so-called Sovereignty Protection Office (SPO). Ostensibly aimed at countering foreign influence on Hungarian elections, the SPO is an arbitrarily appointed body operating without any oversight – as pointed out in a joint statement by independent Hungarian media outlets. The SPO’s activities so far Hungarian Sovereignty Office on Átlátszó: journalism is espionage

Átlátszó files lawsuit against the Sovereignty Protection Office

Átlátszó disputes the findings of the Sovereignty Protection Office’s “investigation report” titled “The Impact of Átlátszó’s Activities on Hungarian Sovereignty.” The report is baseless and, in many instances, contains outright falsehoods. As a result, Átlátszó are filing a defamation lawsuit against the Office.